
STVDIA MONASTICA Vol. 64 2022 Fasc. 2


M. J. J. HOSKIN, John Cassian and Evagrius Ponticus on Demonology: Tradition after the Origenist Controversy

O. ANDREI,,‘Τουσ νεουσ παιδευσωμεν την παιδειαν του θεου’ ’ (Stromata 4.17.108) – Christian pedagogy as imitation of christ’s pedagogical methods in Clement of Alexandria

C. I. STREZA, Basil the Great and Amphilochius of Iconium. Friendship, devotion and pastoral strategy in 4th century Cappadocia

F. RIVAS REBAQUE, La gula [?ast??µ??ia] en el monacato primitivo griego (hasta Juan Clímaco)

D. LEMENI, Between Desert and Agora. Monks, Philosophers, and Holiness in Late Antiquity

A. VALLI, Mistica del Grand Siècle: l’ «annientamento» e il «segreto» di Catherine Mectilde de Bar

S. Mª PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, J. C. ARBOLEDA GOLDARACENA, El monasterio de Santa María de la defensión y su presencia en el mundo urbano jerezano a través de sus propiedades inmobiliarias

M. SCHEIBA, Wider den Ekel. Lebensdienliche Impulse aus der Benediktsregel auf dem Hintergrund der biblisch-monastischen Tradition

A. SIMÓN, La configurazione sapienziale della teologia monastica medievale

I.-M. MORARIU, Peace and its ecumenical value according to the recent spiritual autobiographies