
Caplletra 71 (Tardor, 2021)

Data de publicació: 01/10/2021
Nombre de pàgines: 308

CAPLLETRA 71 - Tardor, 2021

Sergi Barceló i Trigueros. "A vós qui sou la bella i alta rima" (The participants in Resposta of Miquel Ortigues)
Ferran Carbó. The epistle in the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés
Maria do Carmo Henríquez Salido. Galician as the Source of the Luso-Brazilian Linguistic World
Paula Cruselles. Variation in the realization of Catalan and Romanian voiceless sibilant contrast
Irene Guzmán-Alcón / Laura Portolés. In-service teachers' language attitudes in the Valencian educational system: the effect of the school language programme and the L1

"Com s'escriu avui la història de la llengua catalana?"
coordination by Miquel Nicolás
Presentation. Brauli Montoya Abat
Problems of the periodization in the History of Language
Francesc Feliu. Foundational discourses on Catalan language
Jordi Ginebra Serrabou. The relationship between the History of Language and the History of Literature
Mar Massanell i Messalles. The corpus/status dialectics in the History of the Catalan language.
Towards a comprehensive explanation of linguistic changes
Rosa Calafat Vila. Ideology in the discourse of the History of Language: the treatment of the sovereignty process

Table of contents